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Update: Instagram is Testing a Full-Screen Stories Display

Back in May Instagram users noticed the platform was testing a double story feed with some users. Now Instagram has confirmed that it is also testing out a full screen stories display.

As you can see from the screenshot posted by AdWeek marketing manager Julian Gamboa some users are now being shown a prompt below their double Stories display to “see all stories”, which can be clicked to expand across your entire screen.

Image credit Julian Gamboa

Instagram has confirmed that testing is taking place with a small number of users. 

The new test hints towards the future direction of Instagram, where the app opens into a full screen stories display, similar in format to TikTok’s video clips. 

With more and more people using Stories, it seems likely that the platform could switch the main focus from the traditional feed to a Stories feed.  This would be a massive change for the platform, but as parent company Facebook has already noted Stories is on track to overtake the news feed as the primary source for social media engagement.

If people in the test pool engage positively with the enhanced Stories format and use Stories more it is likely it will push this format further as it seeks to fend off competition from TikTok.

What are your thoughts? Do you think this could be a good move from Instagram or does it detract from its original appeal? 

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