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Updates: Google Ads Advertisers To See Cost Increase In the UK

Google has notified advertisers this week of a new fee structure for ads that run in the UK, Turkey and Austria as the company passes on the new digital services taxes (DST) in the three countries.

Starting as of November 1st, advertisers will be charged an additional 2% to the current rate in the UK.

The UK’s digital services tax (DST) has been in the pipeline for a couple of years and was announced in March. The tax is aimed at collecting revenues from digital companies with at least £500 million in global revenue and £25 million in UK revenue, such as Google, Amazon, Facebook.

“Typically, these kinds of cost increases are borne by customers and like other companies affected by this tax, we will be adding a fee to our invoices, from November,” a Google spokesperson said.

Note: the cost will be added to your billing rather than the keyword bid price, for example £1,000 spend on ads will increase to £1,020 on your invoice from Google. So you need to remember to factor it into your monthly budgeting as of November.

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