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Updates: Facebook Launches Support For Paid Online Events For SMEs

Facebook has just announced the launch of a new free tool for businesses, creators and media publishers whereby you can set up “paid events” and “classes” and charge an “entry fee” for people to view the content.

Facebook says, “With social distancing mandates still in place, many businesses and creators are bringing their events and services online to connect with existing customers and reach new ones. People are also relying on live video and interactive experiences more when they can’t come together physically. In June, we saw live broadcasts from Pages double compared to the same time last year, largely attributed to broadcasts since March.

Payment flow on iOS (left) and Android (right)

By combining marketing, payment and live video, paid online events meet the end-to-end needs of businesses. Pages can host events on Facebook Live to reach broad audiences, and we’re testing paid events with Messenger Rooms for more personal and interactive gatherings.”

This new Facebook product is completely self-contained on the platform: hosting, promotion, ticket sales and payment processing are all provided. Businesses, publishers, creators and educators can determine whether they’re eligible by clicking below:

You can create the event, promote it to your organic followers or through Facebook ads and you will even be able to remarket on Facebook ads to people who have attended the event.

At the moment it is completely free to use the platform with fees likely to be introduced next year.  

Discover more about this exciting new Facebook feature on the Facebook blog:

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