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Updates : Facebook Is Testing Out A New Page Design With Streamlined Layout And No More “like” Button

Facebook is testing out a new design for pages which will offer a more readable layout and remove the “like” count. These features and others were initially tested with a small percentage of public figures on the mobile app, but are now being expanded to a broader group of Pages. Currently, the public figures involved in the test include actors, authors, creators and a small handful of media entities, like bands and books. 

Image Credits: Facebook

The idea around the update is to make Pages easier for visitors to navigate and see key information, like the Page’s bio and posts, while doing away with the Page Likes and the Like button. Instead, the Page will only display a Follow button and follower count.

This change should better reflect a Page’s true reach. Many people “like” pages over the years, but then go onto unfollow them from their News Feed as they become less interested in the content. The Follows count, meanwhile, indicates how many people are actually able to receive the Page’s update in their News Feed.

Image Credits: Facebook

Having both these metrics has lead to a more complicated process whereby a user first “likes” a Page, but then the person can back out of that follow by changing their setting at any time. Page owners find this to be confusing and unhelpful because they want to engage with followers who are actually interested in the Page and its contents.

At the moment this is very much still in a test phase and Facebook has not given any update as to when this will be rolled out further. We will update you with developments as soon as we learn of them. 

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