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Updates: Whatsapp Business Roll Out QR Codes & Catalogue Sharing

As businesses start opening again around the world, Whatsapp Business has released two new updates to help customers interact with businesses more easily.

QR Codes

QR codes are a digital front door that make opening a chat with a business as easy as possible. Previously when people came across an interesting business, they had to add its WhatsApp number to their contacts. Now it is simply a case of scanning the QR code a business displays on its shop front, product packaging or receipt to initiate a chat.

Scanning a QR code will open a chat with an optional pre-populated message created by the business to start the conversation. With the app’s messaging tools, businesses can quickly send back information such as their catalog to keep the conversation going. 

QR codes are available for businesses around the world using the WhatsApp Business app or WhatsApp Business API 

Catalog Sharing

Whatapp’s other new feature is catalogue sharing. Catalogs allow businesses to showcase and share the goods or services they offer, which can help them close sales. Since launching the catalogue feature last year, catalogs have become a popular way for people to engage with a business on WhatsApp.

To make it easier for customers to discover products, Whatsapp has made catalogs and individual items available to be shared as links on websites, Facebook, Instagram and elsewhere. And if people want to share a catalog or item they find with friends or family, they can simply copy the link and send it on WhatsApp. 

Discover more about Whats App For Business on their website or download the app which is available for Android and Iphone


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