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Update: COVID-19 Google Ads Credit: How Best To Use Your New Ad Budget

Small and medium sized businesses are now starting to receive their free Google Ad Credits into their Google Ads accounts.

What are Google Ad credits?

Google Says. “We want to help small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) stay in touch with their customers during this challenging time. That’s why we’re giving our SMB customers worldwide $340 million in ad credits, which can be used towards future ad spend, until the end of 2020 across our Google Ads platforms. This is part of a larger commitment from Google to support SMEs, health organisations and governments and health workers on the frontline of this global pandemic”

How to check if you have received credits

You will receive an email to let you know if you have received credits, but you can also check in the tab in your Google Ad account which will show if any credits have been allocated. The maximum credit is equivalent to £1000 and the credit allocated is based on an advertisers historical spend. The credit can be used up until the 31st of December 2020.

What to do with your ad credits?

If you are one of the businesses who has received these credits, now is a good time to plan how best to spend them. We have noted below a few key points you should consider to help shape how you spend your free ad credits.

  • Do you have campaigns with high conversion metrics (high ROAS return on ad spend, low cost/conversion) that are limited by budget? These campaigns are prime candidates for using these credits to deliver a high return.
  • Where geographically have your ads been performing the best (especially in the past 2 months) and how can you focus further on areas where you have had previous success?Have you added new services recently take-away, delivery, online shopping/e-commerce that you’re not currently promoting?
  • Is remarketing part of your marketing mix? If not, use this budget boost to set up and test remarketing to those people who visit your site and have not converted immediately.
  • Have you tested any other Google Ad products? Remember on the Google ad platform you can also run ads on its display network, youtube and discovery ads.
  • ALSO Does your ad copy need a refresh, is it still relevant, up to date and appropriate for the current climate or is there further testing that can be done?

Need Help?

If you’d like to learn more about Google Ad campaigns please drop us an email and join the Knowledge Club for regular updates and guides on Google Ads and much more.