ITY Marketing

Top Tips – Increase Walk-In Customers via Facebook Ads

Read on to discover how to use Facebook ads to generate increased awareness and drive greater footfall to your local business. This step-by-step guide is easy to understand and put into practice.

Create Your Facebook Ad Campaign

To setup a campaign go to the Facebook Ads Manager and click on “create”

In the marketing objective window choose the most relevant marketing objective. For example, do you want to drive more people to your website to find out more and encourage people to visit you? If so click on ‘Traffic’ or if you want to increase the awareness and engagement of a specific post then click on ‘Engagement’.

As an example, we have selected ‘Engagement’ as we want to let people know in a feed post that we have reopened.

Next set the budget, you can start with as low as £1 a day – we have chosen £3 per day for this campaign. This amount will be sufficient to provide enough data to build an audience and gather data without investing too much before we have tested performance….

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