ITY Marketing

Update – Bing Webmaster Tools Rolls Out New SEO Site Scan Feature

Bing has launched a new tool within Bing Webmaster Tools calls Site Scan. The tool performs a scan of your website and outputs a report highlighting any SEO issues which may impact its performance in organic search on Bing.

The tool is really straightforward to use, simply click “Start New Scan”, choose a name for the scan and the depth of pages you want Bing to scan to.


The scan report is then broken down into the following level of categories:

  • Errors: These are the most critical issues we found on your website. You should prioritise resolving these issues as they can impact indexability of your website.
  • Warnings: These are the issues with medium severity which might impact your SEO health.
  • Notices: These are lowest severity issues or recommendations which you can investigate after solving all the errors and warnings.

You can try the new scanner out for yourself if you have Bing Webmaster Tools setup and if you don’t you can download and install Bing Webmaster Tools here.

If SEO is a topic you’d like to learn more about, please download our free SEO checklist from our Knowledge Hub.